This home page is gonna be about Harley's and politics, and places to go and things to see, what I think is right with the world and what I think is wrong. About places to go in cyberspace as well and about people we meet on the journey through both worlds.

We'll talk about travelby bike and every other means. We'll cruise the net as well and from time to time you'll get to read what I think are great quotes or bits of wisdom and you'll also along way, have a chance to purchase some of our neat shit as well as various other biker goods. But hey, that's all in the future after I learn how to use this computer.

From the main street of Sturgis.....

To Tangboche Monestary in the Himalayas.....

These photos will change, probably weekly if I remember to keep it together and if of course I figure out how to do it.

A Travel Tip

Back around 1970 when I started bumming around Asia--ah the stories to tell but that's another time--like I was saying, back in those times whenever I would make a brief appearance back in the West full of tales of exotic places, people would say to me," hey you ought to write a guide book to all those incredible places you're always talking about. You should tell your story blah blah blah blah blah". To which I would always reply. "I don't want to write a guide because I don't want to share all those special places with the masses. I travel to escape the crowds. I don't want to see all these paradises destroyed by citizens tramping through, trashing their way along". Selfish and conceited ? Yes!! But of course it had to happen. Someone had to write those guides. and someone did and you can find them right here and you too can join the crowd, yellow book in your bag and you can take the same flights and trains and stay in the same hotels in the same places as thousands of other travelers. The trickle of hippy crazies who wandered and wondered through Asia thirty years ago has been swept over by the tidal wave of travelers and we owe it all to Wheeler and company.